Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji, Political activist and the 6th andcurrent Sarsanghchalak of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in India since 2009

RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji

“Extending our dominion to the whole world is not our goal; Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is our goal. The world is a family, and we will ensure that everyone is cultivated—this word is inadequate, but for a better place. In the pursuit of all the means of material happiness, people often try to fight and dominate each other. Here, the intention is egocentric. We have experienced Asura Vijayardarsh. They attacked our society and, for 500 years, sowed destruction and chaos in our country.

For 150 to 200 years, India was plundered extensively. Sometimes, even those who don’t want to fight have to. Satya and Ahimsa are the two fundamental principles of our traditions. But even those who want to practice Ahimsa have to fight to protect it. So, in the continuous flow of this story, we have to be ready to fight for Dharma. We have become more violent. There is so much development and environmental deterioration. There’s no bliss and no peace. Especially after the Corona period, people have started thinking again that Bharat would lead the way because Bharat has this tradition and has done this before. That’s why they’re waiting for us.

The secretary of the World Muslim Council once said, ‘If we want harmony in the world, Bharat is a must.’ So this is our duty. This is why Hindu Society came into existence. We have to first reach out and connect with every Hindu. Hindus together will connect with everybody in the world. As Hindus are connecting in more and more numbers, the process of connecting with the world has also started. We can see that Hindus are playing the role of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Swami Vigyananand, Founder & Global chairman ofworld Hindu Foundation (WHF) and chief organizer ofworld Hindu Congress held in Delhi in 2014 Photo Courtesy : Indo Thai

Swami Vigyananand

 “After Independence, the term “Hindu” were very vilified by the ruling political class led by Jawaharlal Nehru and their so-called academics and intellectuals. The general Hindu society and many Hindu organizations began to retreat from the Hindu identity during this difficult period. Rashtriya SwayamsevakSangh stood firm during these most challenging times and kept the flame of Hindu identity alive and burning through their Shakas. Then came the Ram Janmabhoomi movement; once again, Hindu identity became prominent and a resounding slogan. 

However, from 1992 onward, Hindu identity has started receding. Once again, the name “Bharat” began disappearing from our collective memory, and many started using terms like “India” and “Indic.” On the platform of the World Hindu Congress and several associated forums, a decision was made to popularize the term “Bharat” and refrain from using “India,” “Indian,” and “Indic.” The aim was to make Hindu identity visible, acceptable, and respectable worldwide, advocating the use of only “Hindu” and “Hindu Dharma.”

The goal was to make the word “Hindu” and “Hindu Dharma” popular and fashionable in modern society through continuous and relentless efforts. We are witnessing positive changes as the use of the word “Bharat” is once again returning and becoming mainstream. Many world leaders profoundly identify themselves as Hindus, marking the profound resurgence of the roots of the Hindu resurgent movement. Namaste.

Swami Mitrananda speaks at World Hindu Congress 2023 on the Education Panel. Swami Mitrananda, the resident Spiritual Mentor at ChinmayaMission Chennai

Swami Mitrananda

“There was a group of youngsters driving a car during Road Safety Week. Those who drive safely, following every signal and everything, will be awarded. The police were watching them, perhaps using a drone to track them down. At a particular point, they stopped, and the police commended them for driving well. The police took out a purse of 5,000 rupees to award them. The boy who was driving happily took the money. The police, about to leave, asked a question, “What are you going to do with this money?” The boy replied, “I’ll apply for a license.” The police were shocked. The guy sitting next to him in the front seat said, “Sir, don’t pay attention to him; he speaks like this when he’s drunk.” As if these two were not enough, the guy who was sleeping in the back seat woke up and said, “I told you we can’t go too far in a stolen car.” 

Now coming to the point, though it could be a joke, sometimes we Hindu organizations do the same. Someone drives well, and we should appreciate it. Sometimes we criticize one organization, criticizing another organization going well. It needs to be encouraged because together only we can survive; otherwise, we’ll be done. So, each organization needs to appreciate each other. Don’t pay attention to him; he speaks like that when he’s drunk. Unwanted, how many times on various organizations they don’t agree with your ideology. Sanatan Dharma is all-inclusive, like morning Bhagwat was telling, some people believe in Ishwara, some don’t. Some believe in Veda ,some don’t. All inclusive. Why should my belief alone have to be there when we reach the end? Appreciate the path you walked, but let’s not criticize anyone else.

What was Hiranyakashipu’s fault that he had to be killed? What was Prahlad’s fault? You know what he said? “I’m the only God. If you worship any other God, I’ll kill you. “Sounds familiar. This is the only book. If you follow anything else, you will be killed. “I am the only God, and you should worship only me.”

Narasimha had to come because there was one Hiranyakashipu . We have two today. We need to invoke that, Narasimha. You know how that Lord would manifest. That strength is needed. Otherwise, these two are powerful enough. We need to be together. Each organization is that small child Prahlad. When we unite, when we demonstrate together, Narasimha will manifest. We have underestimated our strength of togetherness. That’s why we feel weak time and again.

Visibility is very important of what we are doing. We are not projecting something; we are speaking out facts together of what we do. This togetherness, demonstrating, showing people appreciating openly will strengthen us. That strength is important. We have just taken baby steps in showing the strength of Hindu organizations in the field of academics. That’s called WAHA, World Association of Hindu Academicians, because that’s one area we are lacking. Anybody can come and make a statement and go. We need people in that field to go. This is a wonderful opportunity to get various academicians involved in these organizations together. Our vision is to have 30,000 academicians together ,but we have reached a few hundred now.

Imagine 500, 600 lawyers together, and if there someone says something wrong, derogatory,600 people can stand up the next day. Everything we have lost; we have to reclaim. Everything we are talking about, five trillion economies. 5 trillion economies, we are heading there. Of course, it’s a great achievement, but remember 45 trillion were looted from us. Reclaim that. We need to. Our vision should be there that we will reclaim everything we have lost.

This reclaiming dream will take time. Few things can happen now. This dream, every Hindu organization should hand it over to the next generation, saying you carry it on and run. We are doing what we did, our bit. Hand it over to someone and say you carry it. And one day, the younger generation and the younger generation can reclaim it.

Sri Madhu Pandit Dasa, Spiritual Leader, ISKCON of Bangalore

Sri Madhu Pandit Dasa

“Madhu Pandit Dasa, spiritual leader and President of ISKCON Bangalore and humanitarian with over four decades of dedicated service, addressed the World Hindu Congress, shedding light on the imperative for Hindu resurgence through organizational strength. Dasa, analumnus of the prestigious IAT Bombay, has significantly impacted millions with initiatives ranging from cultural complexes showcasing India’s rich heritage to the globally renowned Akshaya Patra feeding program, which has served an astonishing 4 billion meals, benefiting children and communities both in India and abroad.

Dasa highlighted the natural wave of Hindu resurgence, citing the World Hindu Congress’s periodicity as indicative of its necessity in the rapidly changing world. He metaphorically depicted Hinduism as a tree with trunks, branches, twigs, leaves, and roots, emphasizing unity amid diversity.

Our Hinduism should be seen as a tree, with trunks, branches, twigs, leaves and, above all, roots. If each of ushas this vision of Hinduism, we can maintain our diversity while being united, knowing that our roots are the same ,in a way, as the different schools of thought, says MadhuPandit Dasa.

Sanatan Dharma in society has declined in the modern era due to various reasons. Along with material richness, there were constant invasions on our country, resulting in the destruction of temples and dismantling of gurukuls. The seed of inferiority was sown in people’s minds, fostering a sense of denigration, as Datta Ji mentioned about their own community’s customs and traditions. This was done to create a rift within the community and drive people away from Hindu Dharma. Unfortunately, this phenomenon continues even today.

Hindu resurgence means Bharat has to reclaim all that has been lost over the centuries. Success in this endeavour would signify the completion of the journey of Hindu resurgence in modern times. False propagation of Sanatan Dharma by media, powerful individuals, and influencers has led to a dilemma in the minds of common Hindus about their own religion. Many customs, traditions, and practices of Hinduism are being undermined by anti-Hindu forces ,putting us in a vulnerable situation. Hindu resurgence can only happen if all Hindus and Hindu organizations come together. It is our fundamental philosophy that acknowledges the existence of two forces on this Earth—the Asuric (negative) and the Godly forces. The present time is no exception ,he concluded.”

Poojaniya MataAmritanandmayi Devi

” A very powerful vibration pervades every particle of sand, every atom, and the very atmosphere of our country. It is the vibration of Vedic chants and spiritual austerity performed by countless ancient Rishis. It is the pulsation of spiritual power. This is the invaluable specialty of Sanatana Dharma. May my children have the strength to overcome all the obstacles that they have to face in their way towards establishing the goals. May the obstacles of the outer world never deter you. May spiritual knowledge and power help you at all times and in all circumstances.

May the tree of our lives be rooted in the soil of love. May good deeds be the leaves, kind words be the flowers, and peace be the fruits. May the world flourish as one family united in love. May we thus be able to create a world in which peace and contentment prevail. This is Ama’s prayer to the Paramatma.