India’s Parliament Moves to New Building

India's Parliament Moves to New Building

New Parliament Building of India Photo Courtesy : Khaleej Times


The elected members of the Indian Parliament officially transitioned to their new home, marking a significant milestone in the country’s journey towards independence and progress. True to Indian tradition, Prime Minister Modi moved into the new Parliament building on Ganesh Chaturthi day. The shift from the old Parliament building to the magnificent new structure on Central Vista not only represents a break from the colonial era but also signifies India’s celebration of 75 years of independence from British rule.

On the morning of September 18, 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his final speech in the old Lok Sabha, marking the end of an era. This historic moment signals the relocation of the Indian Parliament to its new, iconic triangular building adorned with a majestic lion and a soaring capital, standing as a symbol of the New India.

During his address, Prime Minister Modi paid tribute to the old parliament building, acknowledging the legacy and the pivotal role it played in upholding India’s democracy.

Originally known as the Imperial Legislative Council before gaining its identity as Parliament House, this historic structure has witnessed countless debates, discussions, and decisions that have shaped the nation.

The shift to the new Parliament building represents more than just a change in location; it signifies India’s commitment to progress, modernity, and a renewed sense of purpose as the nation celebrates 75 years of independence. It embodies the spirit of a vibrant, dynamic, and forward-looking India ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Old Parliament Building of India Photo Courtesy : ETV Bharat


India’s old Parliament House: A Witness to History

India’s iconic Parliament House, designed by architects Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker, has stood tall for over 96 years, silently observing the nation’s journey from colonial rule to the world’s largest democracy.

Construction of Parliament House began in 1921 and concluded in 1927, initially serving as the home of the Imperial Legislative Council during the British era. The building has witnessed pivotal moments in Indian history, including Jawaharlal Nehru’s “Tryst with Destiny” speech on August 15, 1947, marking India’s independence. It also hosted the oath-taking of India’s first female Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, in 1966, and Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s memorable speech during his brief prime in 1996.

In 2001, the Parliament House endured a terrorist attack, leaving indelible scars. Bullet holes remain as a solemn reminder of that tragic day. While the building no longer serves as the primary legislative center, it will forever symbolize India’s democratic spirit and historic journey. India’s Parliament House, a witness to history, stands as a testament to the nation’s resilience and progress, inspiring generations to come.

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