Pakistan's Iron Grip on 'Free' Kashmir

In the contested region of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), recent events have shed light on Islamabad’s heavy-handed approach and the plight of its residents who dared to speak out against unjust taxation. Despite Pakistan’s insistence on calling the region “Azad Kashmir,” meaning “Free Kashmir,” recent crackdowns by Pakistani forces paint a starkly different picture. Videos emerging from POK depict a brutal police crackdown involving multiple forces, including the Frontier Corps, Rangers, and the quick response force from Punjab Province.

The unrest stems from Pakistan’s decision to hike electricity prices last year, citing the need for funds borrowed from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This move, which affected POK residents as well, sparked outrage as the region boasts abundant electricity supplies from hydroelectric power plants. Residents of POK, feeling unfairly burdened by Islamabad’s financial mismanagement and military priorities, attempted to exercise their right to protest against the electricity rate hikes. However, Islamabad responded with force, resulting in months-long standoffs and, ultimately, arrests of activists, politicians, and union leaders.

The recent escalation occurred when peaceful protests planned for May 11th were met with unjustified detentions, sparking clashes between residents and security forces. The heavy-handed response led to injuries, including reports of schoolgirls harmed by tear gas shelling. Instead of addressing the grievances of POK residents, Islamabad’s failure to fulfill promises of relief exacerbated tensions, prompting intensified protests and strikes. The situation remains volatile, with the potential for further unrest unless Islamabad adopts a more measured approach.